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Council on Aging Minutes 03/05/2008

Minutes of meeting held On March 5, 2008
Meeting opened at 10:15 a.m.

PRESENT: COA members: Frank Antonovitch, Harold Hewinson, Susan Sanders, Lowell Nixon, and Brad Noble. Others: Senior Center Director: Margaret Crock, Outreach Worker: Deb Tierney and Kitchen Manager: Don Sanders.

ABSENT: Sara Meier, Olive Nixon, John Reed and Maintenance Manager: Paul Gillis.

Minutes of February 6, 2008 accepted.

In February we had Falcetti Music come to sing and play the organ. We have had four dozen applicants so far for fuel assistance and have committed $3,200 in Butterworth funds at $200 per household. On Feb. 25th Laurie Cassidy, Director of our Area Agency on Aging made a field visit and attended lunch.  Motion made, seconded and approved to have a security code issued by the town. This will avoid setting off the alarm in her office after it is set. Motion made, seconded and approved to purchase supplies of approx. $55.00. In February, 19 unduplicated clients served and 67 service units provided.

No report.  

In February, 569 contacts made, 79 seniors served, 209 attended Senior Center, 89 attended congregate meals and the balance includes cards & games (36), exercise (29), senior tax work off program (10), Entertainment program (30), No sew blankets (20), Movies (22) and other.

FINANCIAL: Brad Noble, Treasurer  
 Receipts in February were: GSSSI $583.33 and Formula grant $700.00. Expenditures in February were: telephone $55.13, M Crock salary $611.00, Deb Tierney wages $592.20, Electric $171.71, Trash pickup $28.73, Printing newsletter $89.60, Managers wages $450.00, Gas $0, Supplies $9.79, GSSSI assessment $168.37, Deb mileage $34.43 Exercise classes $120.00, Flowers $53.00 and postage $106.60.

PROGRAM COMMITTEE: Margaret Crock, Deb Tierney & Olive Nixon
Usual activities include: games-cards, cribbage, scrabble, blood pressure clinic, and regular lunches on Mondays and on the 4th Wednesday. Corinne Lavallee’s “no-sew blankets” for service men has been changed to Thursdays at 11:30. ?An Arthritis Foundation exercise class is temporarily changed to Wednesday’s at 10:30 a.m. ? Cribbage is held each Thursday at 1:00 p.m.  Computer classes for seniors are available upon request.  All computers are operational and may be used by seniors anytime the center is open. Blood pressure clinic is held on the 4th Wednesday of each month by Ms. Joan Dusoe, R.N. This is provided by Harrington Memorial Hospital’s Preventive Health Cardiovascular & Endocrine Wellness Screening Program. AVADA hearing tests changed to even months starting April 10th at 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. On March 24th we will have a speaker from the Registry of Motor Vehicles. ?Movies are shown on Thursday afternoon. On Thursday’s from 11:00 a.m. to noon a craft class in making of hats and mittens for second graders is held. Expect to have lunch at the Holland Elementary School with 2nd graders and their grandparents. Date to be determined.

SENIOR TAX ABATEMENT PROGRAM: Margaret Crock and Harold Hewinson.
Year to date, $2,308.63 has been charged to the Senior Center, $1,492.40 to the School, $490.00 to the Tax office, $274.50 to the Assessors office and $24.00 to the Town Clerk.

BUILDING MAINTENANCE:  Paul Gillis (written report)
Don Sanders did well keeping the Senior Center entrance free of snow and the Highway department did a great job on snow removal. Motion made, seconded and approved to purchase additional chair tips and cleaning supplies in the amount of $170.00. Susan Sanders to purchase some felt stick-on’s for the chairs that cannot be fixed using tips.  
Purchased 2 new coffee pots and feet for chairs. Brad to check with Health Dept. regarding our Health Inspection Certificate.  
All of the above reports were accepted by the Council on Aging.

Letter from Highway Department regarding surface treatment of our parking lot was distributed. No monies are available for this project.


 CORRESPONDENCE – Distributed as received.

Meeting adjourned at 10:50 a.m.

Submitted by:  Brad Noble, Secretary

Meeting on April 2, 2008                                                                                            
Call to Order at 10:15 a.m.
Approval of minutes of March 5, 2008
Outreach, Friends of Holland Seniors, Senior Ctr. Director, Finance, Program,
Senior Tax Abatement, Maintenance Report, Kitchen Report,
Old Business, New Business, Correspondence